As the inflow of refugees in the European countries has decreased in 2017 and 2018 in comparison with the previous years, the need for urgent support work for refugees has decreased but needs for integration and social work for refugees has increased, especially for a high quality integration and social work. Even though the inflow of new refugees in Europe is decreased, the inflow continues and the need for integration of them in Europe and social work for them will be necessary over next years. Most local and regional organizations face difficulties to learn about specifics of work with refugees because there are not many humanitarian organizations willing to or having time to educate youth workers of other organizations. Youth Center of Epirus organisation from Greece, is one of organizations where some youth workers were lucky to participate in private trainings from national and international humanitarian organizations for youth work with refugees and since 2016 provides activities at refugee camps/centers.

Objectives of this project are:
*To increase the quality and ethical approaches of integration and social work for refugees and especially for young refugees (children and youth);
*To improve the cooperation and regular experience exchange between different organizations of various countries that work with refugees' children and youth;
*To promote the use of Erasmus+ program as a tool to raise the quality in social work and integration of refugees, especially children and young refugees;
*To increase the inclusion of a highly marginalized social group- refugees in the EU society (with accent on integration of children and youth, therefore often their older families' members would have easier integration as well).

Das Projekt wird vom Erasmus+ gefördert. Gesamtpreis ohne Förderung: € 775.- Hierin ist eine Förderung von € 725.- je Person bei Teilnahme enthalten. Im Falle einer Stornierung müssen wir die vollen uns entstandenen Kosten weiter berechnen die ggf. auch den Teilnehmerbeitrag übersteigen können.



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